CD mit gesammelten Apple II Referenzen
Inhalt / Überblick
One of the main reasons, you'll want to get this: "Get hands on the old
apple II Feeling" or get an old Apple up as a toy for your
So, there is a twoway reason to get your Old Apple interlinked with
your modern Notebook or PC ( may be also UNIX-Server ): Get your
Apple II Software treasuries, to run it on an Emulator ( also on the CD
<SW-Archives !> ) or to get this Old Apple up, for you lost your
Apple 2 -Floppy Disks and have nothing left , than your Apple with a
Floppy-Diskdrive. ( floppies
can be reconstituted using ADT and DSK-Images from SW-Archives are
included - you'll find much DSK-images from my old Apple II-Days
included )
Apple to PC/UNIX Transfer (ADT) all this freely
available ADT-Stuff is included, well sorted - just to use it
You'll find an something like the Apple to PC Transfer Kit
( as offered from Software
-offering Catalog ) see: ADT-AddOn ( ADT
ready in minutes )
Manuals + Referenzen ( bzw. Referenz-bücher ):
d. ersten Apple II-Generation -1978- , AppleSoft-Manual
6502-Programming( Architecture ,Registers ,Instructions,Addressing
,Interrupts, Algorithms ,Reference ); Reference OpCodes,
; Data Sheets
; Instruction Set
; Hardware )
CP/M 2.2 Manuals (HTML &PDF) 1 CP/M Features and Facilities, 2 ED ,
3 CP/M Assembler , 4 CP/M
Dynamic Debugging Tool , 5.CP/M 2 System Interface, 6 CP/M Alteration
Apple CPM /w.Softcard : Apple.CPM.ref ;
elektronische Bücher (digitalisiert) "Rund um Apple
II" sowie relevante Teilauszüge
6502, Z80,
VIA6522, ACIA6850, SCC6551 u.a. interessante /AppleII-8Bit-Welt
wichtige LSI, Alle TTL und Analog-ICs der Apple II+-Platine
SW-Archive: :documentation
documentation/magazines_on_disk ; emulators:
rom_images simiie apple2-emu-linux ;
masters masters/geos utility utility/programming utility/misc ,
programming/mad_apple_forth programming/merlin_assembler
(Non-Apple: CrossDev.,Emulators...)
RetroArchive: ( Operating Systems and Board
Languages/Environments,Database Software , Miscellaneous
Software ) , Walnut
( You'll find:
Many of the early year PDS software floppies. Many of the formerly
commercial products that were available in the 1980’s that have been
reclassified as freeware or public domain.
freeware and shareware collection of Apple II Emulators for the PC. )
Documentation: (SoftDocs,
Apple II and Getting Started: start using my Apple II Now!?,
Info about using and programming my Apple II?
PEEKs & POKEs and monitor routine info, programming
available for the Apple ][, Apple II languages and programming info ;
Apple II memory map;Apple II series ERROR codes
Apple II reference:
monitor , memory organization .Input/output structure ,Hardware
configuration , The 6502 instruction set ,Special locations
Partly documented Listings: ROM listings ( Autostart ROM ,
Monitor ROM
, AppleSoft ), DOS3.3-Src ,DOS3.3 ANATOMY: documented Src, CP/M
DOS and ProDOS ( commands in DOS 3.3,Usage f. Keyb/Program,
variables in a DOS command, "Volume Table of Contents" or "VTOC"?
DOS 3.3 to read/write sectors from machine code, address and size of a
BLOADed file, information in the VTOC and Catalog sectors, Sector Usage
Apple-Pascal & UCSD-pSystem ( ShortRefs,DSK-Images,... )
Floppy drives & Diskettes ; Disk & file utilities.
Hardware hacking and hardware projects (thermistor to read
temperature on A2 ;pinout for the Apple II series Slots; Robot
kits to use with Apple II, Software UART
, Apple II IDE/ATA interface , IDE f. 8bit-Machines ... )
Applications information
Apple-History, Apple I , Dtack_Grounded_68000 Magazine-Archiv,
Ergänzt ( Volle CD-ROM ! ): Electronics & Electronic-Lab
/Homebrew , Robotics, Articles ,
Für die CD sind Such-Indices generiert, die ein Auffinden
von Info's und Files ggüb. dem Web deutlich vereinfachen.
Inhalte von ap2-DSK-Images und Archiv-Files(zip) wurden in Inhaltsfiles
zur einfachen Suche auf der CD bereitgestellt.
Dadurch findet sich auch teilweise auf dem Web verfügbares
schnell und unkompliziert. Bereits auf dem Web nicht mehr
Material finden Sie hier wieder.
=> Habe Interesse
an der CD ( Obulus f. Zeitaufwand fällt an )
( wenn Sie etwas spezielles suchen, fragen Sie ruhig nach, ggfs. kann
das DSK-Image gleich ergänzt werden )
AddOn: ADT Ready
in Minutes ( Cable 5m <max. 20m , just ask>
; 5.25-FloppyDisk ( Disk II-compatible <2
written w. diff. Drives, in Case 1 fails > )
So, pull the Cable-Connectors in Place ,
just put the CD in the Drive of your favoured
Computersystem ( PC<DOS>, Windows , UNIX/Linux ) and follow
HTML-Advise , put the Floppy into your Floppy-Disk-Drive &
Minutes later the contents of your Apple2-Treasure-FloppyDisk is on
your Modern Computersystem. ( There are also a collection of tools , to
Browse/Convert the Contents and sure one of the emulators provided will
run on your System to play with the just generated Floppy-Disk-Image )
Together with the AppleII-Reference-CD this is something like the
CallApple "The Apple to PC Transfer Kit" , but it goes
further for much stuff from my experience and collected Reference is
( An ADT-Manual/Article, you'll find online )